Monday, October 4, 2010

Academics Preview

1.The Story
3.Filling the Frame
2.Action and Emotion.

1.This photo is probably telling a grand story because it looks like a child reading a story for another child. he seems to be interested in what he is reading. The kid reading looks to be older than the rest of the kids. It looks like the younger children are actually paying attention to what the older one is reading.

2.This photo doesn't have too much action but it has some emotion as you can see the father cares for his daughter. He seems to be trying to calm her down because she seems to be excited or afraid of something.. the emotion the father shows to his child is that everything is gonna be alright. the passion is there he just has to be aware of his surrounding.

3.This third photo fills the frame with an interesting skeleton pic that is just laying there on the table. Just the fact that it is a skeleton puts it at a level where it can be one of those filling the frame photos. It has to be one of the top  of the line photos and is a big attention grabber because it is not normal to see a skeleton just laying on  a table like that. 

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