Monday, December 6, 2010

Abandoned Theme Parks

1.) I would want to visit the Prehistoric Forest, Irish Hills, Michigan. This place seems it would be pretty cool to see what the park was like and see what interesting photos could snap of the run down dinosaurs statues. There could be some good dinosaurs in position to catch a interesting photos. I picked this place because when i was little i loved dinosaurs so it be pretty cool to go check out a abandoned theme park of them.


3.) Abandoned hotels, Hidden waterfall, Abandoned playgrounds, Abandoned hospital, and Abandoned factory

3. Firstly I need to say that those places I listed below are not very unusual. I can't think of any really unusual place, people have been to everywhere, they've taken photos of everything. So these places are just interesting to shoot:
1.North Pole 
2.African poorest regions
3.Abandoned cities
4.Hunted houses
5.National parks in Australia
6.Abandoned schools
7.Abandoned prisons
8.Some islands with uncivilized tribes
9.Ancient Underwater City Alexandria


5. I believe that it would exiting to take photos of  Cleopatra's Palace in Alexandria. It's interesting because this underwater old place has a thousands years history. It's really amazing to visit a place where one of the most famous women in the world history lived!

6.I believe that it would be pretty hard to go and shoot there. First of all, I need to visit Egypt. Also I need to buy an equipment for scuba diving. Buy a camera that can shoot underwater. I don't think that there are any lows that don't permit me to take photos there.

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