Friday, April 1, 2011

5 Ws and the H article 3

Who? the people of japan
Who is involved? the Evacuees of japan
Who does/did the situation affect? this is effecting a lot of people from japan
Who said so? the chief of cabinet security

What? the earthquake side effects
What is happening? the evacuees cannot return to their homes because of the damange made by the natural disasters
What did happen? they are trying to fix up and clear up the area of where the people stay.
What are the consequences? it is living thousands of people homeless
What is different about this? they still have not fixed the area up
What are the choices? evacuees have been told to stay in doors and keep away from the area because of radiation.

When? around march 31 it was released
When did or will this happen? this already happened no answers right now
When was this discovered? it has been known and discovered because of the powers of the radiation.

Where? in japan
Where did or will this happen? this problem is trying to be resolved in japan

Why? so that the people can go back home
Why did this happen or will it happen? this happened because of the earthquake and it effected everyone

How? mother nature
How did it or will it happen? because of the earthquake hitting the power plant
How much does it cost?  it will cost a lot of money
How many people does this affect? tens of thousands and a lot more
How do you feel about this? i think this whole dilemma is horrible and us as Americans should donate to the japan evacuees to help them get their homes back.

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